Tuesday 4 May 2010

Enterprise Week

Our lectures this week were replaced by the Enterprise festival. Enterprise week is organized by the university and is a festival consisting of motivating and interesting events which are intended to be inspirational. One event that I attended during enterprise week which I found interesting was called “Telling it like it is” which was hosted by former Buck’s new university students who provided us with an insight to their lives after graduating, talking about their experiences within the marketing and communications industry.

The thing that I found most relevant and interesting about this is the fact that they communicated how the things they learnt during their degree have actually come in to practice in post graduation as they enter the next stage in their lives; beginning a career. The presentation concluded with a number of questions and answers; this was also interesting as they answered a lot of the uncertainties and questions which were already on my mind. Another useful aspect of this event was the advice which was handed down to us students, concerning how to make the most of our time in university and how to take increase our chances of entering a promising job or career.

I found this event to be very constructive and helpful as a lot of the issues being discussed were directly relevant to me as a student aspiring to find a good job after my degree course. The event also touched on the issue of the recession, which emphasized to me how appropriate and fortunate the timing of me starting this course was. The economic recession has resulted in huge losses of jobs and rising numbers of unemployment, making it increasingly difficult and competitive to find a good job. The fact that competitiveness has dramatically increased means that candidates must be highly qualified and suitable for jobs, therefore the levels of my own standards must increase in order to stand a chance. By educating and qualifying myself academically during this difficult period of time, I would have hopefully achieved and bettered myself enough within these crucial years to be able to pursue a promising career.

One of the aspects that stood out to me in this is event is the relevance to my situation, as I am able to make a fair comparison based on the fact that the graduates who shared their experiences with us actually went to the same university as we are attending. They had done a similar degree to mine and had explained their own ways in which they went about pursuing a career, therefore I can relate to their circumstances. It is for this reason I found myself more indulged in this discussion rather than the “5% idea, 95% effort” event, despite its inspirational and motivational attributes.

The event also allowed me to realize that we are all gifted with the potential to be successful and we all have the privilege and advantage of educating and bettering ourselves at university. However it seems that only a handful of us excel after graduating by taking full advantage of our potential and using it to the best of our ability as only some of us appreciate the opportunities we have. I believe that by educating ourselves and pushing the boundaries of our potentials, we are able to become the best at whatever it is that we do which results in the best employers hunting for us rather than us hunting desperately for work.

I feel that this event was interesting, constructive and highly motivating as its content was vastly relevant to my own situation, and answered many questions which I hadn’t previously known the answers to concerning my future career path. Prior to attending the ‘Telling it like it is’ event, I had doubts and lacked confidence in being able to get a good job due to various factors such as the current unemployment circumstances. After listening to the advice from those who had already experienced what I am yet to encounter, I feel slightly reassured and more focused and determined in terms of pursuing the career that I want for myself, which has resulted in me feeling more motivated to do the absolute best that I can.

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